To Plant or not to Plant

For the past several months I’ve started watching HGTV religiously. And of all the shows on HGTV, Fixer Upper is my absolute favorite! Joanna Gaines has been a big inspiration for me. Her creativity and style amaze me! For anyone who isn’t familiar with the show, Joanna and her husband, Chip Gaines, transform run down fixer uppers into beautiful homes that are absolutely stunning. Chip’s main role is construction, while Joanna’s main role is the interior design and decorating. With that being said, Joanna incorporates plants in most of her home stagings. Adding plants are wonderful finishing touches to decorate a new home. However, that brings us to an important question. To plant or not to plant? Are plants right for you in your home? Whether you are on board with the idea of plants or hesitant, here are some things to consider:

1. Allergies 

If you have bad allergies but still want to decorate your home with plants, consider finding a store that sells fake plants. To give it the best look possible, find a store that sells the most realistic fake plants as possible!

2. Bugs

If you have a phobia of bugs (bees in particular) live plants might not be a good choice. You might have to go the same route as those who are allergic to plants, and invest in fake plants.

3. A Busy Schedule 

If you’re constantly on the go, whether you’ve got business trips or school events with the kids, fake plants might be the best option. It’s a great way to still have a fabulous home and save you the trouble of not being there to water them when needed.

4. “What a lovely scent!”

If allergies, bugs, travel, etc. don’t get in your way, live plants might just be for you! The smell of fresh flowers is so refreshing! Just to name some other examples, aloe vera is a lovely addition to your home decor and is good for your skin! Also lavender is an excellent form of aromatherapy. If you ever need to relax and unwind, lavender is the way to go. 

5. A Splash of Color!

Whether you decide on real of fake plants, when placed accordingly, plants can add a vibrance to your home that you never thought you’d come to know! Pick plants that coordinator with your style. Not sure what to buy? Talk to a local florist, interior designer, or interior decorator. They’ll get you where you need to be!

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