Artist’s Block

I was nearly done with my first post, getting into detail about artist’s block and what not. And then it all got deleted. So I’ll take that as a sign to keep this first post short and simple. Anyone who’s an artist knows the feeling of artist’s block. It’s like writer’s block, and it drives us insane. So with that being said, what do you do when you’ve tried everything and still can’t get back into the swing of things?

2 thoughts on “Artist’s Block

  1. A few things I try:
    Look at other artists’ work
    Listen to music and let my mind wander
    Watch a movie or some videos that pertain to the subject matter I want to work on
    Doodle loosely until you see a shape that’s interesting, then try to turn it into something
    If everything I try fails, I do something completely unrelated for a while and something will usually pop into my head when I least expect it


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