Our Role in Society 

Artists. We are the painters, the fashion designers, the interior designers, the writers, the animators, the singers, actors, dancers, and so much more. I’ve always hated the fact that drawing and painting are my only real skill. The whole “starving artist” thing haunted my thoughts for years. Art is often negatively perceived. They say, “Get a real job.” Apparently in our society you aren’t making a contribution unless you are a doctor, lawyer, or politician. People need to understand that the arts are underestimated. We artists are the foundation and the fabric of society. Without us, lawyers wouldn’t have designs for their business cards (Graphic Designers).Without us, doctors wouldn’t have a hospital to go to (An architect has to design buildings!) Without us, no one would have anything to watch on T.V. Without us, food would look bland and unappetizing. Without us, clothes would all be the same. The list goes on and on. Artists give beauty and meaning to the world. Unfortunately, we often times don’t get credit where credit is due. So listen up world, the next time you view someone’s work, don’t take it for granted. Hours of time and energy go into entertaining the world. As for you fellow artists, know your worth. Our role in society is keeping society human. Use your talent to create bodies of work that make people forget their troubles. Our role is to remind them that sometimes you need to just let go and free your mind.

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